Care Tips
MOONBAT maintenance / CARE TIPS
So if you don't want your bat look like this and to get the most out of your new bat you should stick to the following care tips:
- Do not use bat for violent behaviour
- Do not throw the bat
- Always hit with logo up
- Do not leave the bat in the trunk of you car or some other hot place
- Be sure to keep your bat warm if temperatures drop
- Store your bat inside with room temperature and barrel down, always
- Make sure to keep your bat out of the rain and do not leave the bat on a wet ground
- If purchasing a new bat, make sure to start with front/soft toss. This will help you to get a better feeling for you new bat.
- Moonbats will get stronger the more solid contacts you make. To enforce the most power of your new bat, you should break it in with 50 to 100 contacts.